Smart Daily Limits
Smart Daily Limits are part of Universe innovations to keep liquidity pools safer from bots and vicious whales. You are limited to only accumulate an amount of tokens every 4 hours. You can always sell what you have bought at any time which allows swing trading. You can always safely claim rewards of your planet(s) but transferring or selling them more than the limit will require you to wait 4 hours. This way, no one can buy significant part of the supply on launch and no one can sell a significant amount of rewards at once.
Limits on launch are:
  • 100M incoming transfers & buys every 4 hours
  • 10M selling / outgoing transfers + what you have ever bought every 4 hours
  • 420M maximum tokens per wallet (1% of the supply, variable)
Post-launch, the limits will be drastically increased.
Regarding the maximum of tokens that can be held at any time in a wallet: you can always claim your rewards as usual but if your wallet exceed this amount you won't be able to receive incoming transfers or buy more tokens from this wallet.
This means:
  • Anyone who buys any amount of coins can always freely sell them
  • Movements to liquidity are also subject to the same limitations on transfers
Example (assuming there's a 10M UNIV sell limit per day):
  • If you buy 1M UNIV you have now 11M sell limit. If you sell the 1M UNIV then your limit is back to 10M
  • If you buy 1M UNIV and hold your limit is at 1M UNIV once and reset to 10M UNIV every 4 hours
  • If you buy 1M UNIV, create a Planet with it and claim rewards after 30 days for let's say, 12M UNIV, your selling limit is at 1M UNIV once and reset to 10M UNIV every 4 hours
  • If you buy 1.2M UNIV your limit is at 1.2M UNIV and 10M per day. You then transfer 1M to someone, your limit is now 1.2M once and 9M until the limit reset
Last modified 21h ago
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